Stable Life Journey is a way to share with you the skills to create a stable life as you journey through these unstable times.  I will help you find your peace even while things around you are chaos.

As you journey through life your vision and interests change.  These stages will help you select the articles that may be of interest to you based on your present stage of life.

Learn ways that you can have peace in the PRESENT,

while you take what you have learned from your PAST

and create your vision for your FUTURE in case it comes.

As we all know, the present is all we have.  The future is not guaranteed.  So we need to enjoy what we have today.

To create your vision for your current stage of life, you will need to learn the skills to discover what gives you joy in each of the eight following focus areas of life:

  1. Appearance / Health
  2. Career
  3. Environment
  4. Finances
  5. Hobbies / Fun
  6. Myself
  7. Relationships
  8. Spiritual / Beliefs.

You can learn the techniques from my blog postings or you can schedule an IN-PERSON, PHONE, or TELEHEALTH counseling session by going to  We will create techniques for you to enjoy the present while not losing sight of and working toward your vision.