To create your vision for your current stage of life, you will need to learn the skills to discover what gives you joy in each of the eight following categories of life:

 Appearance, Eating, Exercise/Activity, Health, Weight, Rest, & Emotions

Includes how we feel about the way we look and how we feel about ourselves and others.

Your Job Likes, Skills, Talents, Education, & Location

CAREER is what we do to earn a living to be able to live the life we want.

Your Home, Yard, Place, Garden, Work, & Autos

Our ENVIRONMENT is much more than where we live.  Since we spend so much time at work and commuting, it includes our work space and autos as well.  As far as where we live, it takes in the inside and outside of the home and the yard and/or place.

Income, Debts, Expenses, Investments, Savings, & Assets

This is one of the most important categories for most of us…FINANCES.  Our finances affects many of the other categories.  It takes in so much such as:  income, expenses, investments, legal planning, savings, and taxes.  If any of these are not monitored appropriately, we can lose control easily.

Things you do for Relaxation & Fun

(Inside & Outside, Alone or with Friends, Family, or Spouse) 

We usually think that HOBBIES/FUN is what we do alone, but there are other facets to it.  We can have more than one hobby.  This category refers to what we like to do inside and outside.  It also refers to what we enjoy doing alone and with friends, family, or our partner.

Your Communication/Learning Style, Love Language,

Anger Management, Daily Biological Clock, & Time Management

MYSELF is a category that most people do not consider when they work out their life vision, and it is the most important in order to figure out what they want in all of the other categories.  This takes in a person’s communication/learning style, love language, anger management, daily biological clock, time management, organizational skills, and brain dominance.

Family, Friends, Co-workers, Spouse, Children, & Pets

RELATIONSHIPS can sometimes be overwhelming.  They include how we interact with others.

Church Community, Prayer, & Meditation

Not everyone believes in a Higher Power, but they do have SPIRITUAL/BELIEFS.  This can include prayer, church attendance, meditation, volunteering, and groups or include not believing in anything.