As you journey through life your vision, focus, and interests change.  These are the stages of Adult Life that I have discovered through the years.  We can be in more than one stage at a time, such as being a Single Adult and Parenting.

Being a SINGLE ADULT has many challenges as well as many freedoms.  You are free to explore what you want out of life without having to compromise with anyone at this time.  In other words, you can create the life you want.  One of the challenges is, if you are looking for a partner, to select the person who you feel will fit into your life and vision.

Selecting the right partner for your MARRIED Stage of life is one of the hardest things you will ever do.  But this can be the happiest time for you because you have found someone who fits into your life and who you can go on your journey with.

PARENTING can be the most rewarding thing you will ever do with your life.  But nowadays it can be the most challenging because there are so many outside influences affecting how our children grow up.  Staying focused on our vision and the visions we have created with our children can help you go through this stage more smoothly.

The EMPTY NEST stage is a time of great change.  The children are gone living their own lives.  You have spent the last 20+ years raising children and making sure that they grew up into good, productive citizens.  Now you have time to focus on other things.  Your vision will help you decide what that is.

RETIREMENT has really changed.  Two generations back people did not retire.  Their children took over the business, farm, or ranch and the retirees helped until they could no longer work.  Then the time came when a person could retire at the age of 62 and do all the things they have always wanted to and enjoy their life until they died.  Nowadays retirement has almost become a foreign word.  The cost of living is increasing so much that the pension plans and social security cannot not keep up.  That is why being realistic and pre-planning are very important for this stage in order to have a stable, peaceful life until the end.